These twenty quotes are sure to get your pumped for your next audition, production meeting, rehearsal or performance! They got me pumped!
1. Whether you are a writer or an actor or a stage manager, you are trying to express the complications of life through a shared enterprise. That’s what theatre was, always.
— Lee Hall
2. Theatre is immediate, it’s alive, you’re there with the audience and it can’t be done again and again and again and again, it’s organic.
–Kim Cattrall
3. The theatre was created to tell people the truth about life and the social situation. –Stella Adler
4. I feel like theatre gives me the grounding, and keeps me alive, basically.
–Marissa Tomei
5. When I come into the theatre I get a sense of security. I love an audience. I love people, and I act because I like trying to give pleasure to people. –-Vivien Leigh
6. The regrets in the theatre have always been the shows that you know ought to have worked but for one reason or another haven’t.
–-Andrew Lloyd Webber
7. Theatre is a series of insurmountable obstacles on the road to imminent disaster.
–-Tom Stoppard
8. I think theatre should always be somewhat suspect.
–Vaclav Havel
9. The repetition of the theatre means you’ve got the time to get deeply inside the person you’re playing.
–Sophie Okonedo
10. The theatre is the involuntary reflex of the ideas of the crowd.
–Sarah Bernhardt
11. Great theatre is about challenging how we think and encouraging us to fantasize about a world we aspire to.
–Willem Dafoe
12. I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being.
–Thornton Wilder
13. The pit of a theatre is the one place where the tears of virtuous and wicked men alike are mingled.
–Denis Diderot
14. It’s communication – that’s what theatre is all about
–Chita Rivera
15. All theatre is absurd.
–Eugene Ionesco
16. My only responsibility as a playwright and a storyteller is to give you the time of your life in the theatre.
–Lin-Manuel Miranda
17. Theatre is a game of hide-and-seek. For both the hiders and the seekers, the thrill is in the discovery. When the rules of the game are too vague or too complicated, however, the audience can lose its urge to play; the prize no longer seems quite worth the hunt.
–John Lahr
18. In the theatre the audience wants to be surprised – but by things that they expect.
–Tristan Bernard
19. I hold theatre acting in such high esteem that it scares me.
–Kate Bosworth
20. As for theatre, there’s ups and downs to everything. Theatre is ephemeral. But that is part of its charm because you can always say the production was better than it was.
–Clive Barker
Check back next week for twenty inspirational quotes about creativity!